Thursday, August 18, 2011


CrossFit Lisbeth -Words Of the Day

Icelandanniesledpush2011CFGames-300x194 Change, change, change. We hear it all the time, we talk about it, and we see changes in other people and so we know change is possible. But how do people do it?

What does it take to really change? Not the bullsh** stop and start change, the gas-and-brake pedal revving and stopping of progress that we’ve all experienced. But real, authentic, holy-sh**-look-what-happened change?

Well, change takes guts. Big hairy freaking guts. Most folks don’t get past Stage 1. So swallow hard and man (or woman) up.

Then, change takes patience. Often the hardest part: when you have to keep going, even though you’re only STARTING to see results, whether those results are in your body composition, your mind, or your relationship with someone. Gotta keep the faith.

The third part is the kicker though: Perseverance. You simply have to stick with it. No matter what. Get through the obstacles and over the walls. You have to keep moving forward and live your adaptation. Springsteen (of course) has a line for this: “You can get used to anything. Sooner or later, it just becomes your life.”

And you can get used to anything, so just make sure it’s the right anything. Make sure this life is the one you want to be living. Tim McGraw has a line for this: “And who I am now is who I wanted to be.” Well, holy hell, imagine YOU here. Why the f*** not? Work so that you can say this: Who I am now is who I wanted to be. Country stars (even those married to the hot Faith Hill) don’t have any lock on that one. Make it happen.

So pick the right anything right now. Find the big hairy freaking guts inside you and change. Then breathe and be patient. And then just never quit. Persevere. Don’t end up at the starting line again. Find the goal line. Then PASS the goal line and keep running like the flippin’ wind. Don’t ever let life catch you and the ball. Just keep going . . .

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